I'm gonna start posting these on twitter as well, since there's not much people checking here anyways.
So, another month, another update, still no EP. Why? Because I'm improving. And because I'm improving, I'm taking my time with it because I want it to be as good as I can make it.
Out of the 6 tracks of the EP, 3 are done, 2 are 75% done and 1 is 15% done. Got a lot going on and I'm trying to balance things. I'm also working on a game and some art so it's hard to keep things going well. I've also recently struggled to keep a decent sleep schedule, but sometimes I just feel too tired to work. With that being said, the EP will come out this summer for sure. Same with a demo for that game. And more art is on the way as well. Each video for the EP will have slightly more animation than I used to have for my videos, but still nothing big. I'm planning on slowly making the videos a little more dynamic. The game's story is almost complete and the mechanics are completely decided on.
The first thing I'll be able to finish out of all these will be a drawing. Fully colored this time. I'm kinda learning to draw properly, but its not really something I can call easy. The drawing is gonna be a fan art for the game Yuppie Psycho, a pixelated story-based game. From now on I'll be trying to do more fan art for some games, as I have a lot of games I really love and really wish to express this love in some way or another.
That's it for this month. Hopefully will have some actual news next month, as well as a teaser for the game.