I yeet my feet to the beat.

Age 23, Male



Joined on 9/16/16

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DanTheAssassin's News

Posted by DanTheAssassin - June 9th, 2022

As it's probably obvious by now, I couldn't fully follow the schedule I made for my releases because exams were worse this time around than before. So for now I'm gonna stop putting out release schedules unless the stuff is really close to be finished. With that said, there ARE a lot of tracks in progress by now. From original stuff to Deltarune and Celeste remixes. From now also trying to be more careful with my uploads to actually post something of quality and that's more than just a recreation of a track, I want to try add something of my own to it more obviously than before. I feel like the recent remixes are a good step in that direction.

Posted by DanTheAssassin - March 15th, 2022

Here's an approximate release schedule for this season. Does that hour seem okay for releases? Should stuff be posted later or sooner in the day? (would have loved to have exact dates as well but I am not that well organized) : iu_576197_6045950.webp


Posted by DanTheAssassin - April 5th, 2020

For quite a while I was really unsure what to do about the album I'm working on. It's been more than a year since I've started it and a lot of the tracks feel unfinished/old/bad when compared to my more recent stuff. Instead of redoing everything from zero and wasting even more time, I've decided it might be a better idea to just replace sounds and remake the mixing for the least good ones and maybe rewrite some of the worst parts. I'll then release the album and I'll also release the old versions, to show the improvement. Hope that's fine with everyone.


Posted by DanTheAssassin - January 9th, 2020

I MIGHT OPEN COMMISSIONS SOMETIME SUMMER-AUTUMN! (Literally anything you want : music, art and even bits of code)

I've completely dropped the idea of "monthly update" since sometimes there just wasn't that much going on. Now there's a LOT going on, but I won't be able to show any of it due to a very busy school year which will end with some very important exams. However, there's a lot lot lot in works and I'm really happy with what I was able to do so far.

Upcoming music : To Climb EP (the track count increased from 6 tracks to 8 then to 9-10 so maybe it'll be an album after all) and probably a few remixes (currently working on a Sally Face remix). From now on, most if not all of my original tracks will also have bits of story tied to them.

Upcoming art : Design concepts for 2 original characters.

Upcoming games : A bullet hell/ RPG / whatever game coming out probably summer or autumn 2020. It's more of a project to test the waters and see how many would actually be interested in games like that.

Next update will probably happen some time in July/August, since I'll have to work hard for those exams until then.


Posted by DanTheAssassin - July 29th, 2019

Big music news : The EP is probably happening next month. The track count has been extended from 6 to 8 tracks, with 2 of them being "bonus". You'll see a bunch of improvement from any previous tracks I've released , both in terms of art and music. All the backgrounds will have some movement in some form or another. As for the music, new sounds, new mixing, better composition. Basically, everything better.

Game news : really big news as well. Development is going along nicely, scenes are being scripted and coding is being done. Some big announcement about it is probably gonna happen next month. For now, I can't wait to finish more of it and show ya some great stuff!

Art news : nothing big here sadly, I've been fully concentrating on game developing in the last 2 weeks. I do have a half-finished touhou sketch, but nothing else. However, I'll probably have some pixel art soon, so there's that.

TLDR : work happening now, showing the work happening next month.

Posted by DanTheAssassin - June 30th, 2019

I'm gonna start posting these on twitter as well, since there's not much people checking here anyways.

So, another month, another update, still no EP. Why? Because I'm improving. And because I'm improving, I'm taking my time with it because I want it to be as good as I can make it.

Out of the 6 tracks of the EP, 3 are done, 2 are 75% done and 1 is 15% done. Got a lot going on and I'm trying to balance things. I'm also working on a game and some art so it's hard to keep things going well. I've also recently struggled to keep a decent sleep schedule, but sometimes I just feel too tired to work. With that being said, the EP will come out this summer for sure. Same with a demo for that game. And more art is on the way as well. Each video for the EP will have slightly more animation than I used to have for my videos, but still nothing big. I'm planning on slowly making the videos a little more dynamic. The game's story is almost complete and the mechanics are completely decided on.

The first thing I'll be able to finish out of all these will be a drawing. Fully colored this time. I'm kinda learning to draw properly, but its not really something I can call easy. The drawing is gonna be a fan art for the game Yuppie Psycho, a pixelated story-based game. From now on I'll be trying to do more fan art for some games, as I have a lot of games I really love and really wish to express this love in some way or another.

That's it for this month. Hopefully will have some actual news next month, as well as a teaser for the game.


Posted by DanTheAssassin - May 22nd, 2019

I'm gonna make sure to post updates monthly from now on, as I realized I kind of forgot about newgrounds for a while and used twitter to send news instead.

So first off : I am working on a BUNCH of stuff. Games, drawings, music.

Games : yes, that's plural. I'm working on 2 games : a rhythm dungeon-crawler and a RPG bullet-hell. The former is something I'm currently working on as much as I can, the latter is a project for this summer. For now the first one is still in a pre-alpha state so I can't really say much about it. Maybe in 2 weeks I'll have some news.

Drawings : I have big plans on drawings and I wanna get better at it. I'm gonna learn to properly color and do shadows so I won't be posting sketches anymore hopefully. I plan on doing a lot of fan art mostly. And maybe some meme-related stuff. Got nothing to show yet though.

Music : New track is almost ready, part of the OST of the rhythm dungeon-crawler. The EP is still in works, about 75% done. I still have to do the art for each track though. Remixes : I'll be returning to remixes after all of these are posted. I'll probably remake the touhou remixes I've posted so far, make new ones and probably go over some undertale/deltarune songs as well. I've been improving a lot already this year and I hope the improvement will be clear. New sounds. More mixing. And soon new drum sounds.

That's about it for now, but I'll have way more news next month and most surely lots of releases. I'm also working on expanding as much as I can : Patreon, Gamejolt, Itch.io , Wave.ac just to name a few. If anyone's out there waiting for releases from me, I promise it'll be worth the wait.


Posted by DanTheAssassin - February 18th, 2019

Big plans for spring this time around! I am not sure anyone is reading but I like keeping stuff noted anyways. First off, from now on once 2 days there'll be a preview of a track from the EP, till 4 of the tracks have previews. The other 2 are not yet in a good enough state to be shown. Do note that some tracks may be changed in the final version and even the order of the tracks in the EP might change.

With that being said , these are the next uploads I'm gonna have : To_Climb EP 3 more previews : Track no.2 ( fight theme ) , Track no.?? ( 5th maybe, dnb ) , Track no.6 (boss theme-ish ).

Sometime after the previews I will finish the Cuphead remix ( I have done a lot of mistakes and trashed it several times so it'll take a while, I am not even sure how many tracks of Cuphead I'll remix right now ) yet I am not sure if its gonna be before, after or during the To_Climb EP releases.

That's all about music. Now about drawing : as seen in my last one, I'm learning to do faces and hair and eyes. Its hard but I am sure it's gonna be worth it in the end. I am working on several drawings at the moment, ranging from Undertale Yellow to Touhou. They're mostly just characters though, I have yet to learn to do good/detailed backgrounds.

Finally, coding. I am gonna learn some coding this spring so I can release a game in summer. Hopefully. I have a lot of stuff to learn.

That's about it for now. If anyone actually read it till here, congrats. Give yourself a pat on the back. Looking forward to get y'all see my new stuff!


Posted by DanTheAssassin - January 1st, 2019

Just now I realized its been a while since I've said anything regarding what I work on. Time passed quite fast. I have to say, 2018 was PROGRESS. For the first time in a long while, visible, quite big progress. And I'm thankful for everyone that made it possible : F-777, Boom Kitty, Snapski, Dragoneex , Mudstep, Frictional , Emplexx , Spirits , Canonblade , Fade , cloudfield ( or CLOUD_ now I guess ) , Xtrullor , TeslaX ( now Talurre ) , Miyolophone ( taught me a lot about music theory ) , VEX , Ravitex... and all those guys? just on the music side of things. Regarding music, I have decided the 2 genres I'll do most of the time around here : soundtrack ( battle themes, boss fight themes, ambiental and just about anything for ost ) and electronic ( Breaker is a good example for that one and I loved working on it and I'm looking forward to anything I might end up doing in that style). I already have several songs I'm working on and I expect to release them one after another once they're done.

However, this ain't all! I've been trying this year to extend my work beyond just music : designs and drawing , story writing and....game developing! I have a lot of stuff I want to finish and show you regarding all of them, but they're still wayyy unfinished. Regarding drawing, I'm slowly approaching decent standards and I think this year I'll already have stuff I can actually look at without cringing, which is great because a few months ago I couldn't even draw a leg/arm/torso/whatever. Story writing : I'll be direct here and say everything I've done regarding it : I love good stories, I've always paid attention to that aspect of games, shows, mangas etc. and I wanted to start trying to do it myself. I had planned a comics/manga series a while back, but I'm unsure if it'll ever happen. The ideea is still there, a few finished chapters are still there, but I am not sure they're as good as I'd want them to be so that might remain just a lost project.

And now, time for the TRUE big news : games. I'm gonna start coding games, writing story for games, making music for games. This has always been my aim, but now, now its almost a reachable goal. I am really hyped about it and I cannot wait to finish something. I have big plans and a big game somewhere behind it all, but that one's gotta wait. For now, I'm gonna work on simpler games and gain experience...they'll be free and probably published on itch.io and gamejolt. 2019 will be a year filled with plans and dreams, ideeas and attempts at making them come true. Hopefully, 2019 will be the first time I reach some goals using the progress from 2018 as a foundation. Thanks for sticking around!


Posted by DanTheAssassin - September 23rd, 2018

I've been making quite some progress with the quality of my composition and even a little regarding sounds. I'm trying to put them to use and make something original once again, but it takes time and it won't be the same as before since I'm going for OST kind of music for a while. On the other hand, I don't have a lot of time for music because I am working on some other projects as well. I'm gonna give more details on that later. Hopefully the progress will be visible... and I am not sure yet but I might or might not release the next songs as an EP because I already have quite a number of 1-minute unfinished stuff I want to try complete.